The Milestone Mastercard credit card is one of the best options out there, especially for people with lower credit scores. Applying for a Milestone credit card will not only give you the benefit of owning a credit card but can also vastly help in improving your credit score.
In this section, we will be providing you with some additional information about the Milestone Mastercard credit card, which will help you to make up your mind on whether this credit card is best for you.
About the Milestone Mastercard Credit Card
The Milestone credit card is issued by Genesis FS Card Services, Inc. and the Bank of Missouri.
Apart from providing the option for interested people to apply for the Milestone credit card online, existing card owners can also utilize the portal to access all the details of their credit card online.
Thus, you really don’t have to physically visit any bank or lender office to issue or use the Milestone credit card. All such activities can be done online.
Milestone Mastercard Credit Card Features
As we mentioned in the beginning, the Milestone credit card is mainly focused on people who are having bad/damaged credit scores. As the lending risk is high, the Milestone credit card does not really have stunning features.
However, one important point to note is that the pre-qualification and approval criteria are pretty relaxed. Anyone over the age of 18 can apply for this credit card and get a maximum limit of up to $300.
The annual fee for the credit card can range between $35 and $99 based on creditworthiness. Moreover, there is a fixed 24.9% APR for purchases on this card.
A highlight feature of the Milestone Mastercard credit card is that it provides zero liability protection and identity monitoring benefits. Thus, you can always stay safe from fraudulent transactions and identity theft while using this credit card.
Thus, the Milestone Mastercard credit card can be thought of as a secure credit card, which doesn’t offer jaw-dropping features. However, it’s perfect for people trying to rebuild their credit score to a higher number. Once the credit score is recovered, then you can go ahead and opt for a feature-packed credit card.
About the Portal
The portal is the one-stop destination for everything related to your Milestone Mastercard credit card.
You can view and set limits for credit card purchases, view credit card statements, block/unblock the credit card, pay credit card bills, and much more.
Once you receive your Milestone Mastercard credit card, you can visit the official website at and then register for a personal account.
Once the registration process is completed, you can then use the username and password associated with your login to gain access to your account.
Using the portal is the official way to access your credit card details and is also completely secure. The portal may ask for your personal details such as Date of Birth, Social Security Number, etc. while registering your account, but that is solely to authorize that it’s really the credit card owner trying to register the account.